Andrew Peterson

Last week Neil took me to see Andrew Peterson in concert!!!!! He was at a church here in our town doing a benefit concert for a family that is raising money to move overseas to be missionaries. Neil taking me to a concert is a PRETTY BIG DEAL! I really enjoy music and LOVED going to concerts and shows in college with friends. My friends and I use to go all the time, but then stopped as life got busier. I haven't been to a concert or show in three years, except for the Tommy Emmanuel show in February, but that doesn't count since I went along and wouldn't have naturally chosen to go. Anyway, I a music lover married a great man who could care less about music. To him it can be an unnecessary distraction that keeps you from intentional thought. Where I believe that music helps me think and draws my mind to the truth when I'm not able to draw those thoughts up myself. We basically agree to disagree right now in this area as neither of us are right or wrong in our views, but it is merely a preference issue. Before I got married I dreamed of having a home filled with music throughout the day. I dreamed of having the soft sound of worship music playing through out the day as I took care of the home and kids and oh how sweet that time would be! How calming, peaceful, and restful our home would be! However when I've shared this dream with Neil he doesn't see calm, peace, and rest. He sees chaos and distraction. I need to die to this dream because I do love my husband MORE THAN music, dreams, and preferences though I confess I do have to remind myself of this some days.
So anyway, you get the picture- Neil on his own choice taking me to a concert= BIG DEAL! He found out about the concert on his own by looking up Andrew Peterson and finding out he would be in town. He wanted to surprise me, but couldn't and told me at dinner one night in April that he wanted to take me and he bought the tickets and everything!!!! I am a new Andrew Peterson fan so it wasn't like this was a life long dream fulfilled to see him specifically in concert. I have heard of him on and off for years from several people, one being my best friend Lacy, but just never paid attention to what they were saying about him and his music. Then this past Christmas season when Neil and I were making our Christmas 2010 Melodies c.d. Andrew Peterson came to mind and we downloaded two of his songs. I also heard and enjoyed Dancing in the Minefields and told Neil about it.
To sum up the concert, it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! That is the word that kept coming to mind while we were listening to him play. I enjoyed his songs- the depth and beauty of the lyrics, and his stories about his life. I asked Neil afterwards what he thought. His quote, "I thought yeah man, this a great song... wait I don't know what he is talking about. What is he trying to say?" So, Neil liked him, but didn't really get his lyrics since they aren't completely straight forward and Neil is a pretty straight forward guy.
So there was our concert experience and I think Neil is willing to go to more since last night he asked me what other shows I'd like to go to!!!!!!!!
I tried to leave a comment last week but it didn't work! :( This post made me laugh out loud--you have the great ability with your lines to just make me burst out. We love! Andrew Peterson & almost took Anna to his kid's concert the day before Easter in Nashville. It would've been fun! But I think that's so so cool you went!