Really, How Old Am I?
Yesterday, it happened. I turned 27. Can you believe it? I think my turning 27 really did surprise many people, even my dad! I am officially in my 'late twenties' and saying 'twenty-seven' just sounds older!!!! However, most people wouldn't guess that I'm 27 because I do look young, especially when I don't wear makeup which is more often now a days. I'm also guessing that most people wouldn't know how old I am based on the presents I got this year either!!!!!! Let's see if we can figure out my average age based on my presents this year:
My parents came into town last weekend and bought me a bike!!!!!! I am discovering that I might actually like riding bikes! Neil has a bike and enjoys riding and I enjoy riding along with him so it made sense to ask for a bike so Neil and I can ride bikes together!!!!

Here we are trying out my bike! Yes, its BRIGHT pink!!! Now I realize that a bike isn't a childish birthday present and the bike being BRIGHT pink doesn't necessarily qualify it as a childish bike. However, I'm not sure if I will be able to reconcile that fact that because of my height, or lack of height, I had to get a GIRL'S bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, it's true. The bikes are sized by the inches from the seat to the pedal or something like that. Well, you have either 24inch or 26inch. I had to get the 24inch. Who knew that a measly two inches would become a chasm between childhood and adulthood! So, not only do I have a BRIGHT pink bike, but its a GIRL'S bike! I feel about 7 years old.
Yesterday I got to open my birthday presents from Neil. He was SO sweet and thoughtful, but what I asked for doesn't quite match any particular age range. I got Trusting God by Jerry Bridges which I think qualifies me as a 27 year old. However, I also asked for Tangled the Disney movie that recently came out on video. We saw it before Christmas in the theaters and we BOTH enjoyed it. I got excited when I heard it was coming out before my birthday and asked for it. Again, I feel like I'm 7- but don't judge me till you see the movie. Lastly he got me
a back massage tool. I don't really know what else to call it and that is what it is for. I LOVE giving and receiving back massages. Of course it is therapeutic to receive one, but it is also therapeutic for me to give them as well. Neil doesn't really care to receive them, but he is very kind to give them without me asking. This gift is a hard to qualify an age to, but since it is kind of a 'gadget' I will qualify it with age 12 because I think that is the age when people start noticing gadgets and thinking they are cool enough to own.
Last BUT DEFINITELY NOT LEAST, Neil took me on a VERY GREAT DATE! First we went out to eat at Chipotle which opened here a few months ago. I LOVE IT! I asked to go there because I love it! It is a tex-mex restaurant like Moe's or Qudoba, BUT it has organic ingredients so I can eat there without worry!!!!!! It is nice to feel like you can go to a place that other 'normal' people like as well. So I think the restaurant choice qualifies me for 20 because other 27 year old's would probably choose something fancier, which I've been known to do as well. Now, the BEST part of the date is that Neil took me... SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, that's right folks! Neil Williams took me on a shopping spree!!!!! This wasn't his idea, BUT he was encouraged by our small group leader from church to consider ways to bless me on my birthday that are 'outside the box'. Believe me a shopping spree is definitely 'outside the box' for my frugal love. He was VERY sweet to me. He took me to the mall and we sat on one of the benches and told me that I was a gift to him and he wanted to treat me as a gift and do something I enjoy for my birthday. He gave me money- more than our clothing budget allows- and said let's go shopping! I teared up and it was almost reminiscent of his marriage proposal! Well, the sitting on the bench and me tearing up part was reminiscent. Anyway, He freed me up to go to my favorite stores and buy whatever the money would allow and of course he went with me. He was SO encouraging of me to find what I liked, try stuff on, go to different stores, etc. I went to GAP first because it is my favorite store and they were having a GREAT sale! BOGO free on ALL their tops, sale and regular price!!!! I found two shirts and I got them for a total of $13.00!!!!!!!!! Then we went to Forever 21 and I got two fun necklaces and Neil even encouraged me to get 3!!!!!!!!! Then we ran to T.J. Maxx- not by the mall- and I tried on a few things there but they didn't fit. Oh well. We had SO much fun together and I felt so LOVED and SO free to be feminine and enjoy clothes shopping. It was REALLY nice! And we have money left over!!! He sad we could go again another day!!!!!!! AAAHHH!!!!!!!!! I may have gotten giddy over that prospect! So shopping definitely made me feel 27. But we ended the night with going home eating cake and watching Tangled. Again I feel like I'm 7.
Okay, here are the numbers: 7, 27, 7, 12, 20, 27, and 7
so the average age that I act is: 15
Great, I can't even drive on my own... well maybe next year I'll be old enough to vote.
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