I'm working on a current craft project for our house. It isn't a big project but it requires twigs and sticks. So the best place to get them is obviously outside. Well Sunday Neil noticed that a small tree in our neighbors' yard had fallen down. PRIME OPPORTUNITY for free twigs and sticks! So we asked our neighbors, who we are friends with, if we could take some of their branches. With weird looks they said of course. So Neil went away hacking off a lot of the twigs and branches. He was all over the tree and we gathered a lot of branches that would be good to use.
Well on Monday night we were eating dinner at a friend's house and I noticed that his eye looked a little swollen, but it was hard to tell. I asked him if his eye itched because it looked swollen and he said, "Yes it does and this bug bite on my wrist itches too!..." He went to the bathroom and when he came back he said... "Yeah, its not a bug bite... I have poison ivy." Poor guy it ALL OVER his face and spots on his arms, legs, and back!!!!!!! The bumps just kept coming up throughout the night! We stopped at CVS on our way home and got some generic benedryl to hopefully help stop the swelling. The next morning he looked pitiful!!!!!!! His eyes were pretty swollen, but not swollen shut and his other spots were pretty big. He went on to work, but once there several of his co-workers told him to go to a walk-in clinic and get it checked out. So that afternoon he went to a clinic. It was confirmed that it was poison oak and they gave him steroid shot in the butt. The next day he was all better! Seriously, all swelling gone, very few bumps, and no itching!!!!!!!!
Guess we've got to come up with a new plan and new twigs!
This is also not the first time he has had it on his face. When he was younger he got it MUCH worse ALL over his face. I have pictures to prove it, but I couldn't get them on here.
I couldn't resist taking pictures because he did look like quasi-moto from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. He grudgingly let me take pictures and he knew I was taking them so I could post them on here! I love him!

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