Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dear Starbucks Guy, good job.

A few weeks ago, I was able to 'get away' on a Saturday morning to Starbucks.
I ordered my drink: low fat white chocolate mocha, no whip, for those who care.
I found the perfect table in the corner.
When I entered I had noticed a college age guy sitting a table reading his Bible. I was encouraged seeing a young guy reading his Bible.  I get my drink and have a seat facing the door and the rest of the store.  After about 10 minutes an older guy comes in and its apparent that they are going to meet over coffee.  I noticed because 1. the store was small and 2. their voices carried.  I'm TOTALLY ease-dropping, but its hard not to because of the 2 reasons already mentioned.  I get the idea that they don't really know each other, but I thought, 'Cool, maybe they are meeting to start some Bible study or something'.

Well, not quite.
They chit chat for a few minutes about 'this and that' and then the guy, I deduced is a Dad, asks the college guy why he wanted to meet.
The college guy proceeds to ask the Dad if he can date his daughter, Justine!  
They continued to discuss the guy dating this dad's daughter.  The dad asked some good questions and so did the college guy.  My favorite was the college guy asking the dad, "What would it look like to you for me to date your daughter?"!!!!!!
The dad gave his permission and they continued to discussed dating and marriage.

I had to leave, but I left SO ENCOURAGED!
This scene is not unfamiliar to me or Neil or many of our friends.
This kind of interaction is practiced in our church and very much encouraged.
Neil called my dad when we started dating to get his permission and to communicate he wasn't dating me flippantly.  It really impressed, and confused, my dad.
I was so encouraged to see another young guy seek to be upfront and communicate with the dad of the girl he is interested in.  I would want and expect the same for any guy who would want to date Natalie.
I wanted so much to go over and commend both men, but I thought that would be creepy and give away that I was ease-dropping, but like I said I could help but overhear.
I also couldn't help walk away excited for and praying for this young man who gets to pursue a young girl he thinks he would like to marry.
Justine, if you read this (which you won't of course) I hope you said yes to this guy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Today is a 'trying' day.
On the outside I'm 'trying' to make it look great and it honestly mostly is fine.
I'm 'trying' to ignore the construction going on at my parent's house.  I'm 'trying' to pretend that Natalie can nap through the construction, and she might be currently.  I'm 'trying' to not FREAK OUT that today could be a hard napping day for her.  I'm 'trying' to not FREAK OUT that she has already missed a nap because we got lunch with a dear friend, which I don't regret.  I'm 'trying' to not FREAK OUT about the possibility of her not sleeping well tonight since today was off schedule.  I'm 'trying' not to be self-centered, but the battle is proving to be very 'trying'.  I'm 'trying' to be thankful because there really is plenty to be thankful for today.  I'm 'trying' to remember God's faithfulness in past 'trying' days. I'm 'trying' to stop my mind from throwing a pity party because there is not reason for a pity party.  I'm 'trying' to fight for faith and peace in the Lord and not in my understanding or in the peace of an easy day. I'm 'trying' to remember that I'm not alone even though I feel alone in parenting today.  I'm 'trying' to not just wish the days away till Neil comes home.
Today is a 'trying' day.

Monday, June 11, 2012

5 months!

Natalie is 5 months old now!!!!
I'm guessing she is a good 14lbs, but I have no idea about length.  
She still needs 6 feedings in 24hours and is still sleeping through the night!  We've had some 'seasons' where she will wake up around 3-3:30 and whine/cry until we(Neil) give her a paci.  I can only link it to bad naps.  I've tried to drop her last nap of the day, but I think she still just needs 4 naps right now.  I don't think I was very good at figuring out how to change her schedule, so I've backed off and am just going to wait and see how things go from here.  We also tried to break her of the swaddle, but I chickened out after 1 1/2 days.  She actually did WAY BETTER than we expected, but she definitely wasn't getting good rest and just looked SO pitiful!  I'm obsessive about sleep so I decided to keep swaddling her for now.  She still doesn't roll over, which is why we still swaddle, and she doesn't seem interested in learning.  Oh well.  She does seem interested in sitting up!  When I lay her on the boppy to feed her she cranes her neck inward straining to sit up, it looks like she is trying to do 'baby crunches' before I feed her.  So funny!  She can prop sit pretty well and can also sit in her bumbo pretty well.  I think she is definitely our daughter because it seems that she is social in that she wants to see whats going on, but doesn't have to be center of attention.  It seems like she will enjoy participating, but won't be the one leading the way, which is exactly like Neil and me!  We get very mixed reactions to who she looks more like, but the consensus is that she looks most like Neil.  I agree, but there are times where I think I'm looking at my baby picture come to life! 
Below is a cherished video from Memorial Day with Neil's family
 Natalie with her Grandad laughing at her Aunt Olivia,