Here are some latest pictures of our sweet girl. The first one was taken yesterday after she received her 2 month vaccines. I was really nervous about how she would react to them, but things went MUCH better than I expected. I expected her to cry for 3-hours straight and that I would be calling the hospital or somewhere about it. She was fussy and sleepy and just not her 'self'. I love this picture of her so small in Neil's arms.
The second is Natalie with her Aunt Olivia. I am SO glad I was able to catch this picture with Natalie smiling! Olivia is the first person she has smiled at other than Neil and I!
The third is another 'lucky' shot at her smiling. She has been smiling for a few weeks now and we LOVE LOVE LOVE it! It can be tricky to capture because once she sees the camera her attention is fixated on it and you can't get to do smile anymore!
She is most smiley in the mornings and seems to be a morning person like her daddy. Which is good since I'm not and one of us needs to be in a good mood to start our day!
In a few weeks we will be traveling up to KY with her to see some family for the weekend. Please pray! I had hoped to not travel until she was sleeping through the night, but this opportunity came up and we thought it best to go ahead and try it.
At her 2 month checkup she weighed 10.5 lbs and 22'' long. She's a short lady like her momma! She isn't sleeping through the night yet and averages 5 hours at a time. Her doctor said she was too young to sleep through the night right now so I'm just going with it. I have been able to stretch her 6 or 6.5 at times and will try to continue to do this when she is feeling well. I really had NO clue you had to train a baby to sleep! I hope she will naturally go longer on her own, but she might not and Neil and I are prepared to help her if we need to, just waiting for the right time to do it.
We are starting cloth diapers tomorrow! Fingers crossed that we like them!
Well that's all I have time for now! Thanks for loving us!
p.s. I think Natalie just exploded in her diaper...
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