We just missed a couple getting engaged, but we got to see the reenactment. It was really sweet!
The park also had a really cool sheltered area that had benches and huge porch swings. They were all taken when we were there. :(

We brought our bikes alone and rode them along the battery. This was the only time we rode our bikes because we were so close to everything else! The battery is along the waterfront and it is really pretty to walk and ride bikes. I would suggest at least walking along the battery and alone the park next to it: Battery Park. The one souvenir we got from Charleston was an ornament of the old houses along the battery because we liked them so much!

This house is my favorite house in all of downtown Charleston and there are a LOT of old Victorian houses in downtown Charleston!!!!!! I love the arches, the rod iron fence, and that fact that it blue and white. I love blue and white houses, very classic, clean look to me. Yes, pretty sure someone lives here.
There is one house we went by that is 24,000 square ft. UNBELIEVABLE! I think Neil said that 13 of our house could fit in that house!

I was TIRED of all the walking we did that day. Pretty sure we went back and I took a nap. I got pretty tired and nauseous several of the afternoons we were there because the of the heat and humidity! Usually once I got inside and could rest I would be fine for the rest of the afternoon and evening.

The carriage ride was DEFINITELY historic for us! We had heard that the carriage ride was a MUST DO in Charleston and we would agree-despite our trip. Here is the LONG STORY, short: We went on Monday which is also trash day in downtown Charleston. About half way through our tour, which is an hour long, we were in the Battery turning to go down a side street. Before we turned down the road a dump truck and street sweeper went ahead of us. So our tour guide stayed a long distance behind them and pulled over on the street and continued to tell us about the history of Charleston. All of a sudden the street sweeper backed all the way up down the street TOWARDS US with its horn blaring *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* and stopped about 15 ft. away from us. Well, the mules who were pulling our carriage FLIPPED OUT! They reared up and tried to back away backwards because they were scared. Well one mule got its leg caught over the rigging of the carriage and couldn't get free or walk/run very well. When it reared up its foot when through a car windshield!!!! Then the mules, trying to get away from the sweeper who has NO IDEA any of this is going on and still *beeping* away, jackknife the carriage trying to head away from the noise. The mules side swipe another car and then get stuck in front of a third car (the first picture). Neil had jumped off the carriage when the mules jackknifed and he thought I was right behind him, but I wasn't! I stayed on because the guide said to, so Neil came after me and was able to walk beside the carriage and help me off. Then everyone else, about 12 of us total, got off. The mules were stuck in front of this third car for a few minutes and when the one mule would try to get its leg over the rigging it would smash the hood of the car! The mules finally got free of the car and then tried to take off again and got themselves stuck over a residents 2 ft. privacy wall!!!!!!! (The second picture) Which was actually good because then they couldn't go anywhere and they preceded to eat the house owner's bushes. In the meantime some of our fellow riders were able to call the tour guides boss and the police. The boss and helpers came and took care of the mules, which they were both just fine and enjoying the bushes. The police took care of the scene and the carriage company provided us another carriage to take us back to the barn where we started. SSSHHHOOO!!!! PRETTY CRAZY! No one was hurt just shaken up from the experience. Neil and I still enjoyed the ride back to the barn, the second tour guide continued to tell us about the history of Charleston and point out interesting things. We got our money back, of course, and we got a REALLY CRAZY memory!

Our last night in Charleston was on our anniversary so we went out for a FANCY dinner! I love doing this for special occasions and Neil is always very sweet to plan a fancy dinner for us. This restaurant, Magnolia's, was fancy and very tasty, probably my second favorite of the ones we ate at there. Several people told us that we had to eat there and that is was a great place for special occasions. We split everything, which is usually the only way we eat out anyway, and it was perfect for us! We were able to get dessert there and it was AH-MAZING! The food in Charleston is SO good in general and the area is known for their Shrimp and Grits, which are SO GOOD!
So, there is a small glimpse of our Charleston trip. We did a TON of historic things there but I didn't include pictures of most of them because they were kind of random and would have been hard to explain. I really enjoyed learning the history of Charleston because SO much happened there!!!!! Pre Revolutionary War and everything! I would definitely suggest going to Charleston to learn all the history and they have nice beaches too, which we went to one afternoon, and we aren't 'beach people'!
I only read half of this so far (all I have time for right now) but I stopped midway when I noticed something that made me start crying... a sweet little preggo belly just barely visible!! Ahhh!! So I skipped to all the pictures just so I could see you. I even called Rust over as I was half-crying because it's just so sweet. I will come back and read the rest!! I love you!