I only have a second, but I SO MUCH want to update about Natalie. She is 4 months now! She is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! She has been since she was 12 weeks, so its pretty much the 'new normal' which is SO nice! I finally feel like myself again and this helps SO much with enjoying Natalie and caring for Neil and her. She is definitely a 'morning girl' and is always so smiley and happy when we come to get her up and she is already awake. A few mornings she will be content in her crib just squealing and cooing, its really sweet to hear even at 6:30 in the morning. She is VERY smiley and loves to squeal and laugh! We are so entertained at trying to get her to laugh and just listen to her "talk". We have traveled with her a few times and it's been a little crazy since she doesn't love her car seat and doesn't adjust to new places very well. Hopefully she will go out of this! At her 4 month check up she weighed 13.3lbs and was 24 1/4 inches. She is 50% for both weight and height and only 10% for head circumference! No wonder Neil thinks every other baby has a huge head! It's because Natalie's is so small!!!!! She has only rolled over once and it wasn't intentional. I'm practicing with her but she doesn't seem real interested so I try not to stress over it. She LOVES LOVES LOVES to stand on her legs and "walk". She gets the biggest grin and seems SO proud of herself. So fun! In the past month I've really started to enjoy motherhood and settle into a little more, though I'm aware things change so much and there is constant resettling, but for now things are good. I feel good physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and I'm thankful to be over the post-partum. It was tough, but I'm aware of God's faithfulness in that time! Well, to finish here are a few pictures from the last month and a video of our 'Morning Girl'!

3 months in her Bumbo!
Nana and Papa John in Kentucky!
video of our 'Morning girl'