Tomorrow we begin 35 weeks with Natalie!!!!!!
That means you can count how many weeks I have left on ONE HAND!!!!!!!!!
I'm trying not to lose it with excitement and anxiety!
My thoughts lately:
"There is SO much left to do before she arrives! How will I have time to do it all"?
"What if she comes EARLY!!!! She won't come early. Most first babies come late. Surely, she won't come early. There have been NO signs of early labor or pre term labor. I haven't even had Braxton Hicks contractions. SURELY SHE WON'T COME EARLY! But, maybe she will and HOW FUN WILL THAT BE!"
"Do I rush to do all my projects now and risk sitting around bored waiting and waiting for her to come or do I space it out and just finish them sometime after she's here..."
"Where will I be when I go into labor? What will it feel like? How will I know?"
"What if I go into labor while we are at Neil's family's for Christmas? Do we try to drive back? It's only an hour, surely we'd make it back... right?"
"What will she look like?" "Will she have curly, red hair? Please, to satisfy everyone elses' desires, let her have curly, red hair!"
So, to say the least my mind has been VERY FULL of thoughts and errands, yet I feel like I don't have the time to put my thoughts together or run my errands! Hopefully next week I can start tackling my "To-Do Before Natalie" Lists.
Yes lists is plural.
Other than feeling like I have SO much to do and NO time to do it, I'm doing really well. I wake up a little achy and my back usually hurts by the end of the day, and I'm fighting a sinus/cold thing I got from Neil this weekend, but these are SO MINOR compared to what others experience. Pregnancy has still been VERY easy and I'm still amazed and humbled that it has been this way. I don't desire it and really believe it is evidence of God's grace on me. I feel like I deserve to be sick and have problems as a 'punishment' for not 'waiting well' all last year as we struggled with getting pregnant. I know this isn't the Gospel and that God does NOT punish his children, yet pours grace upon grace on them even in discipline. But I can struggle with that thought at times.
Since I'm almost eight months pregnant, I feel HUGE!!!!!!!! I look HUGE!!!!!!!!! I saw a picture of myself from the baby shower this past weekend and was AMAZED! I had no idea! How can I get any bigger?! I haven't gained too much wait, but I guess because I'm short it just doesn't have anywhere to go!
I'll keep you posted as we continue to count down till we see our sweet Natalie!