We spent the past weekend in Asheville, NC to celebrate the occasion. This was really our first vacation since we've been married and it was so great! I'm learning, in regard to my last post, that I think I was so overwhelmed in Williamsburg because we were constantly around people, lots of them, trying to do all the same thing at the same time and that can make things kind of hectic. I come to this conclusion because Neil and I did quite a bit of sight seeing in Asheville. Saturday we arrived and immediately went downtown and spent a few hours walking around and eating. Then we went back to our house and watched USA get beat by Ghana in the World Cup (I was kind of bummed, but excited for Ghana since they are the only African country left in the tournament and its in Africa). Afterwards, we went back downtown and ate dinner and walked around some more. Sunday (our actual anniversary) we went to the Biltmore and it was beautiful! The house was immaculate and it was so interesting to learn about the Vanderbilt family. If you ever go to the Biltmore you must at least get the audio tour- its totally worth it! Part of the tour price is a free wine tasting. Neil and I don't like wine, but we tried several kinds and can say confidently that we really don't like wine, but it was fun to try! That night we went to dinner at an Indian Restaurant- spicy, but yummy! On Monday we went to Hendersonville, NC which has a cute downtown and a Mast General Store! I really like walking through this store (Knoxville has one!) because its fun to see the old toys and all the knick-knacks they have there. Then we drove home through the Blue Ridge Parkway, doing this probably added about 2 hours to our drive home, but it was BEAUTIFUL!!! As I write out what we did, I realize that maybe it wasn't super busy, but I really liked it!

Wine Tasting

Dressed up for Anniversary Dinner

Hendersonville, NC

We also took some time to go back through our wedding vows and see what the Lord has done in our hearts and marriage through this past year and also see where we each need to grow. It was both encouraging and humbling to see what God has done and to see where we need to grow. It was be interesting to see what this next year holds! I'm really glad to be married to Neil!
p.s. I don't know how else to upload pictures besides putting them under each other. I don't like how it makes the post even longer, any advice on how I can do them side by side?